Green Tea For Weight Loss True Or Not – Health Mate Diet Advice

Green Tea & Weight Loss: What’s good everybody now I’ve always maintained at Health Mate that when it comes to something nutrition-related don’t listen to a single dietitian or a trainer don’t listen to a single individual instead listen to science and when it comes to green tea and weight loss there’s only one way to find out the truth let’s science the out of it, okay the first thing you need to know is that.


Green Tea Vs Black Tea

There’s very little difference between green tea and black tea is got by fermenting tea leaves by letting them oxidize green tea, on the other hand, is a more natural form of tea now if you compare the two kinds of teas that properties and effects on the human body are almost the same with a few differences but unfortunately black tea isn’t sold to you as a weight-loss drink green tea is thanks to the media and marketing agencies people believe that green tea some sort of magical weight-loss drink but unfortunately that’s not entirely true.

If you want to understand this better let’s get into the science of it first okay firstly green tea is full of antioxidants and antioxidants are great for your health but the one antioxidant that helps a lot with weight loss is something called EGCG or Gallo catechol Galan yeah you heard that right now ingesting EGCG is linked to an increase in the function of catecholamines in the body catecholamines are type of hormone that’s linked to stress-related situations or situations that involve muscle contraction but most importantly catecholamines are linked to fat loss and that’s where this whole green tea makes you lose weight.

Green Tea For Weight Loss

Thing comes into play okay now there’s good news and there’s bad news the good news is that there were studies conducted on EGCG and fat loss and there was definitely a link that was found between the two okay and as for the bad news, unfortunately, there are two points to be noted the first is that in these studies green tea was not used instead they were using EGCG extracts that’s pure EGCG and secondly to actually get any kind of weight loss related benefit from EGCG you need to consume anywhere between 300 to 400 milligrams a day.

One cup of green tea has about 30 to 60 milligrams per day depending on its strength so effectively you need to be consuming 10 cups of green tea to see any form of weight loss so green tea contains a substantial amount of caffeine which will help in your fat loss to some extent but it’s not gonna make up for all those desserts that you eat if you go and eat unhealthy food and then just drink a glass of green tea that’s not going to make up for it.

You’ve got to remember caffeine is an addictive substance it works just like cigarettes if you want that kick from caffeine continuously you constantly need to up your dosage and that’s why I’m kind of against caffeine consumption though even I have my own cup of chai every single day it’s not a good habit to have no caffeine will give you some amount of fat loss in the short term and will get you alert after that cup of tea or coffee but real fitness and real health comes from the long-term game and the three pillars of the long-term game are a good diet and active lifestyle with exercise.

Green Tea Extract Weight Loss

Most importantly in my opinion for long-term happiness is good sleep now here’s the thing about caffeine most people who are addicted to it which in my book is more than three cups of coffee or green tea per day don’t even realize that they’re addicted to it so anyone consumes caffeine in this amount they don’t even realize that actually affecting the quality of this sleep that’s what caffeine stopping you from it’s preventing you from getting good quality sleep which in the long term will give you much more fat loss than those two or three cups of green tea that you have every single day.

So when you actually want to lose weight and you want to be healthy remember give preference to sleep not something you ingest just a burn off fact okay now don’t get me wrong I’m not dissing green tea entirely, in fact, it does have a lot of benefits those antioxidants present in green tea do a lot of things for your body but I’m not going to go deep into that this article is more about greedy and weight loss okay.

How To Consume Green Tea

So the final conclusion is two points firstly anything in excess is bad especially when an addictive substance like caffeine is involved so if you’re going to consume 10 cups of green tea just to lose weight you’re playing the game wrong it’s gonna affect your sleep badly which in the long term won’t only affect your weight loss badly but it also affects your peace of mind.

So if you want to be healthy and happy in the long term don’t throw into things like green tea and weight loss supplements just do the basics right and the second point just because marketing agencies don’t sell black tea to you the way they sell green tea to you doesn’t mean black tea is bad for you it’s also got antioxidants and it’s also got a lot of other health benefits so don’t discount that entirely green tea isn’t some magical drink that’s come out of China.

It’s just because it sounds exotic you know people go on that whole green tea bandwagon you should also include some form of black tea in your diet ideally what I’d suggest as you vary it up change between black tea and green tea once in a while but most importantly you gotta remember tea is addictive and you want to limit yourself to one or two cups a day if you can keep it at 1 cup keep it at that I hate saying this but unfortunately the people who turn to things like green tea to lose weight actually taking up the lazy path and this isn’t long-term fitness even if you lose weight you’ve not worked hard enough where you’ve not actually exerted using your body to lose.

Does It Really Work?

The all that weight you just ingested something that’s making you lose weight that’s not correct and that’s not going to make you stick to a healthy lifestyle real Fitness comes in the long term it needs to be a lifestyle change it needs to be as normal for you as brushing your teeth or having a bath in the morning and just because you’re going to have that green tea doesn’t give you the license to go and have anything else you want first fix your diet then if you can’t put in some form of exercise get great sleep and if you want to supplement these three pillows then turn to that one or two cups of green tea every single day.

That’s how real fitness works hey guys that was the video for today if you liked it make sure you give it a thumbs up now remember real fitness and real weight loss comes when you have the correct knowledge about the weight loss that’s why I’ve made this special weight loss related playlist on my channel to help you educate yourself and get your fitness goals so make sure you check it out, either way.

I hope this article helps you to know what is better for your health and your lifestyle work hard always choose the right path, not short-cut or lazy path. if you really like this article make a sure comment below and give your feedback thankyou your Healthmate.